What is psychoanalytic psychotherapy?
It’s a form of talking therapy for people who have a range of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, somatic illness, or obsessional behaviours. Some people seek help for more general problems such as feeling unable to form stable relationships, difficulties in concentrating, dissatisfaction at work or at home, personality difficulties.
The process is that you meet at least once weekly with your psychotherapist and talk about whatever is going through your mind. This unstructured approach, which may feel unusual at first, helps you to become aware of connections and patterns of meaning in what you say or do. Your therapist will provide a safe, confidential space, for you to do this. They will work with you to look deeper into your problems and worries with the aim of bringing to the surface underlying issues and causes that are often from the past, but which continue to impact in the present. It is from identifying and thinking about these patterns and connections that you are likely to find some relief.
Your therapy will enable you to think about what helps you and what doesn’t, what changes you might want to make in your life. It can also help you to come to terms with what can’t be changed.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy sessions last 50 minutes. People are seen at a regular time each week. This regularity helps to build the feeling of safety and enables people to get the most from the treatment. Usually the treatment lasts at least one year.